Maybe it's the changing of another season that makes one contemplative. Or a reunion of old friends marking the march of time. Or an anniversary that seems absurd to be yours. Where did the time go? How does time keep moving? As I was planting in my garden, looking forward to the vegetables promised for the warmer months I was suddenly stunned by how fast it all goes. I remember my mom telling me two things that seemed to flow off me like water off a duck (oh blissful youth). She would say "Enjoy each day, like it was your last." and "Never wish away a day, you only get it once." As I thought about these things, I reached into my side pocket and plucked out my small writer's notebook and with hands dirty from digging rows for carrots I wrote this "Ode To Spring".
Spring, awesome with it's promise, STAY... STAY... STAY...
Trees cling to leaves so tightly, as summer goes away
The clouds are tossing angrily, now the sky is growing gray
The mornings snap of early cold. Winter’s distant rumbles heard
Autumn holds her place for now ‘Twill go south oh flock of bird
The leaves are drifting one by one, and soon will fill this space
For now they cling so tightly, in this annual season’s race.
Trees that cover my front porch, so red and orange and bronze
The deep dark green receding, that was once adjoining lawns
Soon the piles of leaves will grow. To run and jump right in
children’s voices, oh songs of joy. Bundled up, each with a small grin!
The porch displays of pumpkins bright, with scarecrows set on bales
And jack-o-lantern’s grimace - witches ride on broom’s straw tails
The crunch of leaves below heard on my country street
so soon I will surrender, to put shoes on my bare feet.
Oh summer, I will miss you, but the beauty of autumn’s come
Soon winter with her pallid coat - my fingers and toes so numb
Sledding days and snowmen and icicles hung on eaves
soon we’ll hang festive lights, the door and windows wreathed
A candle in each window will glow on the snow at night
and in the day the cold blanket will make our world so bright
Then soon the winter cold will go, comes the melt from warming sun
Spring will fill the world around, and with that outdoor fun
The ice on lakes will thin. The leaves begin to show.
We’ll lose thick warm sweaters, back to barefoot days we’ll go!
Summer will wink one morning. The afternoons grow so hot
the pool, the hose and water sport, cold popsicles, I’d once forgot
Riding bikes and skateboards. Just hanging out all day
shorts, flip flops and swim suits, so many games to play.
Summertime means no homework! Late nights for hide n seek
The months fly by so quickly, then again autumn will peek…
New school clothes and a lunchbox, with the school bus on the street
And when I look back down, I gasp; there are shoes upon my feet.
And here I was dreading summer and not being able to hide under warm cozy clothes - but you paint such a lovely picture of childhood memories I just might have to brighten my outlook.
Thanks for the compliment. It is so nice to be getting comments so I know SOMEONE is reading these musings of mine...
You will NOT believe what I saw running this morning. IF you want to change your outlook, get your daughters, hop in the minivan and come to Highlands Ranch. It is worth the drive, invite Paige and her girls! Hint: you are passionate about them... I am about to hop on my mountain bike to go back and get some pics...
NO NO NO - No minivan for me! I do live in HR though. Ugh. Well, almost in HR.
you will get more comments as more ppl come by to read - Ithink your followers are up a little bit already. we will aim to change that even more next week.
Have a fabulous Friday.
I love the changing of the seasons. It just seems like anymore they go by way to fast!
One of the downsides to living in Florida is the lack of seasons. We somehow slide from a mild winter to a short spring into a long and relentless summer, that doesn't really end until October. We have no fall leaves, but we do get sprouting trees and flowers, thankfully.
I'm enjoying the blog, and amazed with your ability to just whip up a little poem......very nice!
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