January 26, 2008

A new reader

This little girl's grandma sent me this picture to show me how my book took over on Christmas morning in her house.  Surrounded by presents, this smart little cookie decides to read rather than open up all those silly toys and things.  It is an awesome thing to see your creation in the hands of an eager young reader!  Send me your pics and I will include them on my blog site as well as some on my website.  HAPPY READING!  Yours, Justin Matott

January 7, 2008

Reading to a bunch of little readers

One of my favorite parts of my job is getting to spend time with kiddoes, reading, writing and discussing imagination!


Hi, I am sitting in my local library write now (yes, I meant to misspell that). I am reading books about record setting for the third book in the Gabriel Peters series. Go Ask Mom has been popular and the second book is edited and being illustrated for a 2008 release. SO... I am working on the third book, which I have titles The Gabriel World Book of Record, wherein he and his buddies will try to get into the famous Guinness World Book of Records, which was one of my favorites when I was a boy. I hope you are reading AND writing yourself and would love to hear from you! Take care! Justin Matott


January 3, 2008

What would you like to see?

Hi, I am interested in what you would like to see on my blog. I get a lot of the same kind of email requests, so I have incorporated some of those into what you are seeing, but I would like to hear from you. Also, if you order a book on my website and mention my blog and the word Tootsie Roll, I will send you something extra with your order, something cool, I promise. Now, what are you doing reading something on the internet when you should be reading a book?

January 2, 2008

Nitwittles is coming in 2008!

Hello, I just wanted to give a heads up to the fans of my poetry books that a new poetry book, currently titled Nitwittles, is coming out this year. It is full of the same kind of wackiness that my previous two poetry books held. Please let me know what you think of this title.

January 1, 2008

Happy New Year 2008!

Hello to all of you, my fellow readers. 2007 was a great year in many ways. I hope your 2008 will be a wonderful year and will bring you rewarding and enriching experiences!

In 2007 I got to visit many schools and meet a lot of my readers. I did my grandparent residency in three schools, which is always one of the most rewarding experiences I have as an author.

My latest collaboration with Laurie McAdam came out to great response - ALIENS - All Mixed Up was a big hit for the holidays and has its official release day today. If you have seen, read or own the new aliens book, please do me a favor and visit amazon.com to add your review of the book. This year I am going to try to contract with a major publisher to take my books over and reader reviews can make the difference!

I am currently working on five projects, have just finished my final edits on the sequel to Go Ask Mom and am about 3/4 done with the third in the series. I am working on picture books, a poetry book, a new mix and match book, another fractured fairy tale and a novel for tweens which deals with time travel and relationship between a boy and his father, who mysteriously has become his friend, at the same age.

I didn't blog in 2007 because of time restraints, but I am committed to do so if there are readers of it this year. Please post comments to let me know you are reading my blogs (everyone needs encouragement to continue on).

I will be posting excerpts from upcoming projects and poems that will be appearing in new books or just appearing here.

Take care and have a very happy and safe 2008!

Kiss your dog today!

Justin Matott
