Hi, To the left is an early picture from what is going to be my next mix and match book. It will be dogs and cats and this crazy canine is one of the early ideas. What do you think?
Also, I am starting this contest thing with some schools and hopefully it will be posted on my website soon, but YOU can get a jump on it by reading this blog. IF you go to amazon.com and review any of my books, good or bad reviews, just honest, then you have a chance to get some freebies. Just type in your name and the school you represent. If you have your classroom do it, it gives them a great computer lab experience, gets them published with THIER impressions of books etc and wins books for the classroom. Simply have them put their first name and school name and email me at justin@justinmatott.com to indicate you have done so. Please make sure to include the school address/classroom to receive the books and DON'T be surprised if rather than the postman the author shows up to deliver the books (depending on geography and availability). Cheers, Justin Matott
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