In a world where it seems much of today's youth is self-centered, self-serving and sometimes simply selfish, (not that it wasn't the same when I was a "youth") it is a breath of fresh air to see four young warriors take up a cause and put it all on the line.
Take a moment to see what these four fine young men are planning to do to change our world for good. They have each already gone on numerous short term mission trips, all four came back transformed and changed and ready to do more after seeing the need outside of our "bubble" of comfort (yes, even in this tough economic time we are still rich compared to much of the world).
http://theac.org/aboutThere is also a Facebook page, set up for updates, info, conversation etc... come join in!
http://www.facebook.com/groups/122104614558045/Now they will be spending a full year traveling the globe to bring hope, help and love and muscle. Building orphanages, fighting sex trafficking, providing clean water, equipping other youth to provide help for struggling communities are just a few of the ways you and I and they can provide assistance.
Their trip will be a journey of video journalism as well, so they can bring back the message to Americans and others around the globe who can help further to assist our world more.
Spend a little time on their website and you will learn of this brave and hope-fillled mission they have been planning for the past several years. http://theac.org/about
Please consider introducing this mission to your church, youth group, rotary and/or other works based clubs, synagogue, mosques, shoot even bake-sale-betties who can join in to help. If you own a restaurant or work for a company that is interested in change for good, please consider joining in on a fund raiser to send these young men out.
Your donation is tax-deductible and right now is matched dollar for dollar up to $2000.