My series is getting an overhaul, change and different covers too!
A new illustrator has taken on my
Go Ask Mom series.
Book 3 is scheduled to come out this fall, likely in mid-October.
When books 1 & 2 are reprinted they will have an all new look, because in order to be consistent, the characters will be redrawn in the previous books and the covers will reflect the illustrative changes as well.
I am excited to see what will happen here and would love to know your impressions of said changes. I am sure there will be some readers who will want it to stay the same, but change is often good and the talented artist who is rerendering my and Gabriel's world is very good at what he does!
If you are familiar with my picture book
Drinking Fountain Joe, it is David

Scheidt who is taking over the reins for Gabriel & Gabriel's world.
The series at present will include 6 books, perhaps a few comic books inspired by a story about Glenn The Sea Monkey in book 3 and a few spin off books, based on some characters who are demanding more space on the pages.
Go Ask Mom
Stories from The Upper BunkBook 1 in the “Go Ask Mom” series
The World According to Gabe
Stories from The Lower Bunk
Book 2 in the “Go Ask Mom” series
The Gabriel World Book of Records
Stories from the tree house
Book 3 in the “Go Ask Mom” series
GABRIEL PETERS AND THE SECRET DETECTIVE BROTHERHOODStories from the crawlspace clubhouseBook 4 in the “Go Ask Mom” series
Stories From A Summer Camp Bunk
Book 5 in the “Go Ask Mom” seriesGabriel Peters and the 8 grade Monster Girl!
Stories from a school locker
Book 6 in the “Go Ask Mom” series