Lately in my school visits I have been telling stories about a cat I once had when I was a boy. I get tons of letters, drawings and comments about how funny and interesting he is. Yesterday a friend from Dolores, Colorado wrote to tell me that "I don't even like cats, but I L! O! V! E! FLOP!!!! I just read about him in Go Ask Mom and it totally cracked me up, just like when you were in our gym!"
Flop was an unusual cat, thus a funny, unusual story has come. Flop had a condition that caused him to do front flips right off of our refrigerator, mom's piano and the upper bunk in my bedroom (fortunately those places had pillows ready to cushion his fall).
His condition being narcolepsy and narcolepsy being a word few youngsters have every heard, I set out to find a way to title my picture book that would intrigue a young reader enough to pick it up, without the confusion of a big word. I awakened after contemplating many of your suggestions with a title from a dream. I am going with it for now and would like to hear from you with your opinion. My new working title of the picture book about a huge, narcoleptic, hilarious cat is FRONT FLIP FLOP!