May 29, 2008

A huge influence

Just an answer to a question I get fairly often, "Mr. Matott, other than reading books, what has influenced your storytelling?"

When I was a teenager, my best friend and I watched just about every single Twilight Zone, Outer Limits and Creature Features there was. This show, the way it was written and told stories had been an influence in the scary book I a working on right now.

May 23, 2008

Come check it out

Hi, the book you see me reading to the left is one that I have had since I was a boy. Notice all of the markers? Those are markers to indicate records Gabe and his friends might attempt in the third installment in the series.

Also, Please check out

This is an awesome website to share what and why you love to read! Please review any of my books there, good, bad but honest...

SCHOOL'S ALMOST OUT, TIME TO GET SOME GOOD SUMMER READING IN! I have some recommendations to your lower left.

May 21, 2008

A great summer read for Teen and older!

If you have ever tried to get a reluctant reader teenager to simply enjoy a book for what it is and not for points at school or to turn in as a graded review, then this book might do the trick for you. This is one of the few books that I read and whilst reading it thought of both of my sons, with wildly different taste in things as well as my wife. I handed it off to my youngest who whined and complained and then just sat down to appease me. Several hours later he was in my home office explaining points of plot and character as though I hadn't yet read it. We laughed at the insanity of the main character and of course his older brother heard us. Curiously, he wandered into my office to see what all the to do was about and felt slightly left out (kind of like when the three of us discuss the last episode of the Office in front of their mother, who refuses to watch it). My older son stated quite emphatically that he was next to read it, much to my delight and surprise. Soon he was reading, no gulping it down in huge bits and then the three of us began to discuss it. Mom, wandered in and was simply delighted that we were talking about a book and not one of our favorite, "DUMB" television shows (including, but not exclusively The Office, My Name is Earl, Curb Your Enthusiasm and Arrested Development and, oh yes The Flight of The Conchords). Soon she was caught up in the CURIOUS frenzy and before we knew it, we were recommending it to friends and family. I have yet to have someone that I have recommended it to say they didn't like it, some even say they LOVED it.

Now on another note, and a totally different genre, Boy's Life by Robert McCammon, just may be one of the best books I have ever set my eyes to and I have read thousands. It is nothing like Curious, but it has the same effect when recommending it to others! Check it out (a library pun) or buy it, but read it. IT IS AWESOME!!!!!!

May 20, 2008

Writing at night!

So, welcome to my front porch. This is where I write most of my books. Usually during the day, but as I am writing The Man In The Woods and there is a full moon out tonight, I thought it best to go where the dark is... The porch looks welcoming, but when you step off... AGGGHHHHH

May 19, 2008

Springtime in the Rockies!

This is my view from my office (click on the pic to get the real view). I am writing the third and fourth book in the Gabriel Peters/Go Ask Mom series and this is what I look out to, right in front of the mountains... NICE! SO, I decided in one of the chapters for the 3rd book that this is what Gabe sees out of his window and will try to describe it with justice. What do you see outside your window?


May 17, 2008


I just had my fifteenth, yes I have counted, phone call from a friend or family member telling me that I am in the new Ironman movie. I didn't even know I was a star Apparently, Robert Downey Jr. as Ironman is me. I can't wait for my royalties to come flooding in. Come to think of it, HAVE YOU EVER SEEN ME AND ROBERT IN THE SAME ROOM AT THE SAME TIME?? HMMM....

photo for my next book's jacket flap...

My next books are going to be the second book in the GO ASK MOM series titled - The World According to Gabe - Stories from the lower bunk, Nitwittles, wacky and fun poetry and Miss Spell, a fun play on words picture book.

Perhaps I should use this kind of a picture in Nitwittles, what do you think?

Hey there, watch it, I have my eye on you. So, have you been to yet?
This is a great website that is set up for readers to network and learn about other people's impressions of books.
It is kind of like a facebook for readers. Try this link to the site:
Review my books there please. I would love to hear your impressions!

Hey there, watch it, I have my eye on you! So, have you been to yet?
This is a great website that is set up for readers to network and learn about other people's impressions of books.
It is kind of like a facebook for readers. Try this link to the site:
Review my books there please. I would love to hear your impressions!

Check out that photo, I just am learning how to use all the really cool features of my macbook.

Enjoy the spring, it is beautiful out there!

Justin M

May 10, 2008

Meet a teacher who cares!

Hi, I spend much of my time in schools doing presentations with some dynamic teachers and am able to observe them in action. I always marvel when I am in an exceptional teacher's classroom and I get to see the magic taking place with the students. As I thought about the fact that my parents, who were both teachers were the kind of teachers people have told me made a difference in their lives, I thought about the fact that I live with one of those life-altering teachers now.
This particular teacher is one of those teachers few students ever forget. She is kind (super easy on the eyes), loves her students (even the ones that make it hard to love them) and is really good at getting the subject matter to stick! Everywhere I go in my community it seems a parent or a student will comment to me about how great Mrs. Matott is.
In addition to teaching middles schoolers, she "learns me some things" every so often too. She is my first reader and having been a language arts teacher, she is my first editor. She tells me when I am repetitive, when I am poignant, when I am misspelling, when I am funny, when I am not, when I have hit the mark and when the mark has hit me. She is THE BEST! She is the mother of my sons, the woman I call wife and she is the best friend I have ever had! Talk about the proverbial "better half"!